Louis Capozzi is an associate at the Washington D.C. office of Jones Day and a Lecturer in Law at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School. As a lawyer, he specializes in appellate advocacy and motions practice.
Mr. Capozzi clerked for Justice Neil Gorsuch during the October 2021 Term, as well as for Judges J. Harvie Wilkinson III of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and Anthony J. Scirica of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. He graduated as the valedictorian from the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 2019.
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Dallas Young Happy Hour with Lou Capozzi
Dallas Young Lawyers Chapter
The Woolworth - Loft Area1520 Elm Street, Ste 201
Dallas, TX 75201
Remarks from Lou Capozzi
Tyler Lawyers Chapter
Willowbrook Country Club3205 W Erwin Street
Tyler, TX 75702
Major Questions About Major Questions
Catholic Student Chapter
The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law3600 John McCormack Rd NE
Washington, DC 20064
The Major Questions Doctrine and the Future of the Administrative State
Kansas Lawyers Chapter
Kansas Chamber of Commerce Conference Room, Townsite Tower534 S. Kansas Ave, 14th Floor
Topeka, KS 66603
Debate: The Major Questions Doctrine
Emory Student Chapter
Emory LawEmory University, 1301 Clifton Rd N E
Atlanta, GA 30322
The Paradox of the Veto
Columbia Student Chapter
Columbia Law School435 W 116th St
New York, NY 10027
A Day in the Life of a Supreme Court Clerk
North Carolina Student Chapter
North Carolina Student Chapter160 Ridge Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27517
The Paradox of the Veto
Columbia Student Chapter
Columbia Law School435 W 116th St
New York, NY 10027
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Philadelphia Lawyers Chapter - Online Event
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Supreme Court Packing and Jurisdiction Stripping: A Debate
Philadelphia Lawyers Chapter - Online Event
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The 2020 Elections: What Worked and What Should Change?
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, New Jersey, and Delaware Lawyers Chapters
The year 2020 is not our country's final election. After an election dominated by rule...
The 2020 Elections: What Worked and What Should Change?
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, New Jersey, and Delaware Lawyers Chapters
The year 2020 is not our country's final election. After an election dominated by rule...