Kathryn Ciano Mauler

Kathryn Ciano Mauler

Corporate Counsel, Google

Kathryn Ciano Mauler currently serves as a Corporate Counsel at Google. Prior to Google, Kathryn was Senior Regulatory Counsel at Uber Technologies, and also spent three years at i360, LLC as General Counsel. Before this, she also worked at a boutique law firm in Washington, D.C. and at the Institute for Justice.


She received her B.A. from the University of Florida. She also received her business degree from the University of Florida - Warrington College of Business, studying at the Ecole supérieure de Commerce de Toulouse in France. Kathryn's J.D. is from the George Mason University School of Law.


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Panel 1 - Power Struggle: Private Digital Platforms and Speech—Where do we go from Biden v. Knight?:
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Deep Dive Episode 168 – Deepfakes: What, If Anything, Should Policymakers Do?

Deep Dive Episode 168 – Deepfakes: What, If Anything, Should Policymakers Do?

Regulatory Transparency Project's Fourth Branch Podcast

“Deepfakes” are one of the latest technologies to prompt debate about online media. Using Deepfake...