Murthy v. Missouri - Post-Decision SCOTUScast
Brent Skorup, Corbin Barthold, Josh Divine, Jenin Younes
On June 26, 2024, the Supreme Court issued their opinion in Murthy v. Missouri. Originally filed as Missouri v. Biden, this case concerns whether federal government officials violated five individuals’ freedom of speech by “coercing” or “significantly encouraging” social media companies to remove or demote particular content from their platforms.
Experts discuss and react to this 6-3 ruling.
- Moderator: Brent Skorup, Legal Fellow, Center for Constitutional Studies, Cato Insitute
- Corbin K. Barthold, Internet Policy Counsel and Director of Appellate Litigation
- Josh Divine, Solicitor General, Missouri Attorney General's Office
- Jenin Younes, Litigation Counsel, New Civil Liberties Alliance
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