A new, faculty-edited journal on free speech law has been announced and should be of interest to academics, aspiring academics, judges, lawyers, and law students. Eugene Volokh, a free speech expert and distinguished professor at UCLA School of Law, will serve as the journal's Editor-in-Chief.
The journal will publish in print as well as electronically; the first issue—a symposium on regulation of social media removal decisions—will be released Summer 2021.
The journal is open to a wide range of novel and useful articles -- doctrinal, theoretical, historical, empirical, or otherwise; dealing with speech, press, assembly, petition, or expression more broadly; and arguing for broader speech protection, narrower speech protection, or anything else.
The journal’s robe-and-gown editorial board consists of:
Prof. Amy Adler, Prof. Jane Bambauer, Prof. Ashutosh Bhagwat, Judge Stephanos Bibas, Prof. Vincent Blasi, Judge José A. Cabranes, Prof. Clay Calvert, Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, Prof. Alan Chen, Justice Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar, Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg, Prof. Jamal Greene, Prof. Heidi Kitrosser, Prof. Andrew Koppelman, Prof. Ronald J. Krotoszynski, Jr., Prof. Toni Massaro, Prof. Michael McConnell, Prof. Helen Norton, Prof. Robert Post, Judge A. Raymond Randolph, Judge Neomi Rao, Prof. Jennifer Rothman, Judge Robert Sack, Prof. Frederick Schauer, Dean Rodney A. Smolla, Prof. Geoffrey Stone, Judge David R. Stras, Judge Jeffrey S. Sutton, Prof. Rebecca Tushnet, Prof. Eugene Volokh, Prof. James Weinstein
Learn more about the submission process, and follow the journal on Twitter: @JournalSpeech.