Apr 1 1999 Publication Federal Class Action Reform: A Boxscore of Support and Opposition On February 3, Senators Charles Grassley (R-IA), Herbert Kohl (D-WI), and Strom Thurmond (R-SC) introduced...
Jun 23 2010 Publication Solicitor General Kagan’s Confirmation Hearing Paul E. Mirengoff, Carrie Campbell Severino, Adam Winkler, Richard W. Garnett Online Debate UPDATED: 11 AM, July 8, 2010 On May 10, 2010 President Obama nominated Solicitor General Elena...
Aug 20 2009 Publication Reverse Payment Settlements and Upcoming Congressional Action Geoffrey A. Manne, Joshua D. Wright New Federal Initiatives Project Brought to you by the Corporations, Securities & Antitrust Practice Group In light of the recent political...
Jun 19 2009 Publication White Papers Antitrust Pricing War: Congress v. the Court Geoffrey A. Manne, Joshua D. Wright New Federal Initiatives Project Brought to you by the Corporations, Securities & Antitrust Practice GroupIn Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc....
Federal Class Action Reform:
A Boxscore of Support and Opposition
On February 3, Senators Charles Grassley (R-IA), Herbert Kohl (D-WI), and Strom Thurmond (R-SC) introduced...
Solicitor General Kagan’s Confirmation Hearing
Paul E. Mirengoff, Carrie Campbell Severino, Adam Winkler, Richard W. Garnett
Online Debate
UPDATED: 11 AM, July 8, 2010 On May 10, 2010 President Obama nominated Solicitor General Elena...
Reverse Payment Settlements and Upcoming Congressional Action
Geoffrey A. Manne, Joshua D. Wright
New Federal Initiatives Project
Brought to you by the Corporations, Securities & Antitrust Practice Group In light of the recent political...
Antitrust Pricing War: Congress v. the Court
Geoffrey A. Manne, Joshua D. Wright
New Federal Initiatives Project
Brought to you by the Corporations, Securities & Antitrust Practice GroupIn Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc....