Biting the Hand that Feeds
The telecom mess has gotten messier. Thanks to the ingenious efforts of enterprising class action...
Panel Analyzes First Amendment Concerns Raised in Pharmaceutical Regularion: Summary of "FDA and the First Amendment"-- October 21, 2002
Recent court decisions reflect increasing judicial interest in the constitutional rotections afforded to speech regarding...
The Secret History of the Administrative State
For the last couple years, I have been digging into some history that sheds new...
The Presidential Appointment Process at the Beginning of the 21st Century
The quality of appointments to the executive branch has long been identified as a vital...
C. Boyden Gray Reviews "Judge Dave and the Rainbow People" - by Judge David Sentelle
In writing a review of Judge David Sentelle’s book, Judge Dave and the Rainbow People,...
F. Scott Kieff Reviews "Grace Periods and the European and INternational Patent Law: Analysis of Key Legal and Socio-Economic Aspects" - by Joseph Straus
This monograph, published as volume 20 in the Max Plank Institute’s series entitled International Review...
Nelson Lund Reviews "Bush v. Gore: The Question of Legitimacy" - Edited by Bruce Ackerman
The 2000 election generated the most famous Supreme Court decision of recent times. Bush v....
D. Eric Schippers Reviews "The Rule of Lawyers: How the New Litigation Elite Threatens America's Rule of Law - By Walter K. Olson
“What has happened is that the legislatures ... have failed,” boasted trial lawyer John...
Cornerstones of American Democracy: A Primer on Judicial Restraint, Federalism, and Nominations to the Federal Bench
A fully-staffed, balanced, and independent judiciary is necessary for the protection of our safety, freedom,...
A Dialogue on Reparations
Between an Opponent and a Supporter: A: Should African Americans be paid reparations for slavery?...
The Friendly Neighborhood Trade Commission
In some sectors of our economy, the rise of Internet commerce has prompted a dramatic...
Producing Inefficiency: The Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act
Originally enacted in 1930, the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (“PACA”) was intended to protect the...
Project Safe Neighborhoods and Fair-Weather Federalism: "Saving" the Second Amendment by Undermining the Tenth
Gun rights supporters in the Bush Administration and Congress are currently engaged in a dubious...
Cybercrime Conference Remarks by John Malcolm
MR. MALCOLM: The debate about how to strike a proper balance between cherished privacy rights...
Courts Frown on Economic Development Condemnations in 2002
While municipalities and states continue to aggressively court private business by offering them other people’s...
Searching Private Businesses and Other Property Without a Warrant
When the police or other Executive Branch officers conduct searches under civil and environmental statutes,...
The Establishment Clause, Federalism and the States
At the conclusion of its 2001-2002 term, the Supreme Court issued its opinion in Zelman...
Can a Man Head the Women's Bureau at the Department of Labor?
Can a man become the Director of the Women’s Bureau at the Department of Labor?...
Sprietsma v. Mercury Marine: How Preemption and Administrative Law Intersect
In its recent decision in Sprietsma v. Mercury Marine, the United States Supreme Court again...
The Role of the Senate in Judicial Confirmations
For the last few weeks, a constitutional crisis has been brewing in the United States...
Judicial Appointments: A Constitutional Analysis
In “The Role of the Senate in Judicial Confirmations,” Professor Stephen Presser eloquently argues that...
4th Annual Financial Service Conference Remarks by Hon. Peter R. Fisher
HON. PETER FISHER: Continuous improvement in the efficiency with which we convert savings into investment...
Nike v. Kasky: An Invitation to Discard the Commercial Speech Doctrine
Over the past 60 years, this Court’s approach to speech uttered by business interests has...
What Does Academic Research Tell Us About the Role of Money in American Politics?
Proponents of campaign finance reform argue that money plays a central and nefarious role in...
Shakedown in "The Golden State"?
More than 150 years after gold was first discovered at Sutter’s Mill in California, a...
Domestic Courts and Growing NGO Investment in "International Law": At What Cost and Consequence to Democracy?
Increasingly, United States courts are recognizing various treaties, as well as declarations, proclamations, conventions, resolutions,...
A Reemergence of Regulation at the Interface Between Patents and Antitrust
At the end of 2001, the Federal Trade Commission and the Antitrust Division of the...
Waffling Circuits: Workplace ADR After Circuit City and Waffle House
From a legal standpoint, alternate dispute resolution (“ADR”) agreements in the workplace have exhilarated HR...
Working Hard or Hardly Working?
California is a worker’s paradise when it comes to taking time off from work. The...
Waging War Against Binding Arbitration: Will Trial Lawyers Win The Battle
We all likely consume goods or services subject to standard contracts with vendors, contracts that...
Preserving the Right to a Representative Jury
For over two centuries, the jury system has played an important and revered role in...
"Fast Food": The Next Tobacco?
In the Summer of 2002, three lawsuits were filed against Quick Service Restaurants (“QSRs”) alleging...
Engage Volume 4, Issue 1, May 2003
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW & REGULATION The Presidential Appointment Process at the Beginning of the 21st Century...
Why Central Bank Should be Overruled
The lawyer’s primary function is to counsel and assist clients in conduct that is “within...
It's Not Our Job
Lawyers have traditionally been able to provide their clients with dispassionate legal advice based on...
The ABA's Attack on "Unauthorized" Practice of Law and Consumer Choice
Judge Posner is not alone in observing that the legal profession is “a cartel of...
Faith, Funds, and Freedom: Restoring Religious Liberties for Care Act Employers
It is no secret that President Bush has made it a priority of his administration...
Are Class Actions Lawyers Systematically Targeting Regulated Industries?
MR. WILLIAM BARR: On June 20 of this year, the Second Circuit decided a case...
Recent Rulemaking Activity by the Securities and Exchange Commission Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
The SEC has been extremely active lately on the rulemaking front, particularly with regard to...
The Federalism Implications of International Human Rights Law
The reemergence of judicially enforceable federalism may be the most significant doctrinal development of the...