North Korea Conundrum: Sanctions, Leverage, Balancing Power and Rumors of War

International & National Security Law Practice Group Teleforum

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President Trump is pivoting off of the prior administration's "strategic patience" approach to North Korea in favor of a confrontational posture in the face of North Korea's nuclear development and missile test provocations. In this Teleforum, expert Asia commentators will consider the range of options for addressing the North Korea challenge including enhanced sanctions leverage against both North Korea and China, urging Korean democratic unification, nuclear arms counterbalancing in the region, treaty commitments to South Korea, and how laws of preventative or pre-emptive laws of war would apply. 


Mr. Daniel Blumenthal, Director of Asian Studies and Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

Prof. Stephan Haggard, Lawrence and Sallye Krause Professor of Korea-Pacific Studies, GPS

Prof. Julian Ku, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty Director of International Programs, and Maurice A. Deane Distinguished Professor of Constitutional Law, Hofsta School of Law

Moderator: Bruce Klingner, Senior Research Fellow for Northeast Asia, The Heritage Foundation's Asian Studies Center


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