Legal Claims and Conflicts in the South China Sea

Montgomery Lawyers Chapter


  • Dr. Lawrence E. Grinter, Professor Emeritus, Air War College, and Adjunct Professor, Auburn University


  • Dr. Lawrence E. Grinter, Professor Emeritus, Air War College, and Adjunct Professor, Auburn University
Dr. Grinter is an expert on East Asia.  In addition to Air War College and Auburn University, he has taught at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, the National War College, and Auburn University - Montgomery.  He edited the Air War College monograph series The Maxwell Papers for 11 years.  He is a founding member of the Alabama World Affairs Council and continues on its Board of Directors.  He is the author or co-editor of five books on Asian and international security affairs, and has authored over 50 scholarly articles, book chapters, and monographs on related issues.  He earned his B.S. from the University of Florida and his M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill.

Cost: $15 at the door. Please make checks payable to the Capital City Club.