360 E. Flamingo Rd.
Las Vegas, NV 89169
The Las Vegas Lawyers Chapter of the Federalist Society is pleased to present noted legal pioneer Clint Bolick to discuss his new book on immigration reform. In his new book, Immigration Wars: Forging an American Solution, co-authored with former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Goldwater Institute litigation chief Clint Bolick calls for a complete overhaul of America's 60-year old immigration laws. Fundamental reform should be based on two principles: the importance of immigration and the rule of law. Arguing that the best way to curb illegal immigration is to create a well-functioning legal immigration system, Bolick calls for increased numbers of work-based visas and an end to the "chain migration" that dominates legal immigration. He also offers proposals for the millions of illegal immigrants currently in the country and the children they brought with them. Finally, Bush and Bolick urge Republicans to take aggressive steps to solve their problems with immigrant voters.