Room 190
An Objective Discussion on Medical Marijuana
Denver Student Chapter
- John Suthers, Attorney General of Colorado
- Robert Corry, Criminal Defense Attorney
- Troy Eid, frmr U.S. Attorney for the District of Colorado
- Brian Vicente, Sensible Colorado
- Alice Mead, GW Pharmaceuticals
- Dr. Sunil Aggarwal, U.W. School of Medicine
- Allen Hopper, ACLU Drug Law Reform Project
- Professor Sam Kamin, Denver Law, (Moderator)
Monday, April 5: Medicinal Value Harms & Effects
- Alice Mead, GW Pharmaceuticals
- Dr. Sunil Aggarwal, U.W. School of Medicine
Tuesday, April 6: Current & Future State of Colorado Laws
- Brian Vicente, Sensible Colorado
- Allen Hopper, ACLU Drug Law Reform Project
- Troy Eid, frmr U.S. Attorney for the District of Colorado
- Professor Sam Kamin, Denver Law, (Moderator)
Wednesday, April 7: Moderated Debate on the Issues
- John Suthers, Attorney General of Colorado
- Robert Corry, Criminal Defense Attorney
- Professor Sam Kamin, Denver Law, (Moderator)