Leonard Liggio

Prof. Leonard Liggio

Former Executive Vice President of Academics, Atlas Network

Leonard P. Liggio was the Executive Vice President of Academics at the Atlas Network for the last two decades of his life. He was born July 5, 1933 and died Oct. 14, 2014, at the age of 81.

Leonard’s career advancing liberty spanned seven decades, during which time he served as the President of the Mont Pelerin Society, the Philadelphia Society, and the Institute for Humane Studies, where he later continued to serve as its Distinguished Senior Scholar. He was a professor at George Mason University, a visiting professor at the Universidad Francisco Marroquín, a board member of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and a Trustee of Liberty Fund.

Leonard’s lifelong work for liberty won him acclaim among diverse audiences. In 2007, he was recognized with the Adam Smith Award, the highest prize bestowed by the Association of Private Enterprise Education. In 2011, he received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society for the Development of Austrian Economics. That same year, the then-nascent organization Students for Liberty published an interview with Leonard that called him “The Original Student for Liberty.”



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