Kristine (Fargotstein) Hackman

Kristine (Fargotstein) Hackman

Vice President, Policy & Advocacy, USTelecom – The Broadband Association

Kristine (Fargotstein) Hackman serves as Vice President, Policy & Advocacy at USTelecom – The Broadband Association. In this role, she advocates on behalf of USTelecom members before the White House and Executive Branch, regulatory agencies, courts and other government entities in Washington, DC and state capitals to ensure members can compete, grow and thrive. Prior to joining USTelecom, she held several roles at the FCC, including Acting Wireline Advisor to Chairman Ajit Pai, Special Counsel in the Office of General Counsel, Legal Advisor to the Wireline Bureau Chief, and Attorney Advisor in the Wireline Competition Bureau.  She also was detailed to the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Communications and Technology Subcommittee where she worked on broadband infrastructure, net neutrality, and spectrum, among other connectivity matters. Before her legal career, Kristine led public service initiatives at the National Association of Broadcasters.  

Kristine graduated from the George Mason University School of Law where she developed a dedicated communications law concentration, and for the past five years has served as an adjunct professor of Communications Law. She is an active member of the Federal Communications Bar Association and a former co-chair of its Young Lawyers Committee.


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