Kimberly A. Yuracko

Prof. Kimberly A. Yuracko

Judd and Mary Morris Leighton Professor of Law, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law

Kimberly Yuracko is a nationally recognized expert in antidiscrimination law. Her scholarship explores the demands of antidiscrimination law across categories and contexts. She is most interested in what nondiscrimination requires with respect to individuals and groups that are different in relevant ways. Her research has touched on some of the most pressing policy questions of recent years and has been impactful beyond the walls of the academy. Her book, Gender Nonconformity and the Law, explores courts’ expanding protection for gender nonconformists and the limitations of the current approach. The book won a Choice Award. Her work on Title IX explores how athletic opportunities should be allocated across sex-segregated sports teams. Her more recent Title IX work focuses on athletic opportunities for transgender girls. Her work on homeschooling explores the extent to which state constitutional rights to education require regulation or oversight of homeschooling. Her work on tort law, with Ronen Avraham, challenges the common use of race- and sex- based actuarial tables to calculate tort damages. Yuracko and Avraham published an Op Ed based on their research, The Use of Sex-Based Data To Calculate Damages is a Stain on Our Legal System, in the Washington Post. Their torts work has also been translated into Japanese. Yuracko is the author of numerous articles and is a co-author on two casebooks, Employment Law Cases and Materials, and Feminist Jurisprudence Cases and Materials.


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