A person listed as a contributor has spoken or otherwise participated in Federalist Society events, publications, or multimedia presentations. A person's appearance on this list does not imply any other endorsement or relationship between the person and the Federalist Society. In most cases, the biographical information on a person's "contributor" page is provided directly by the person, and the Federalist Society does not edit or otherwise endorse that information. The Federalist Society takes no position on particular legal or public policy issues. All expressions of opinion by a contributor are those of the contributor.
Listening to VOIP
The current debate in Congress and at the FCC over regulating voice over Internet protocol...
Supreme Court Review of UTSA II Would Delay the President's BroadBand Policy and Prolong the Existing Disarray of Telecommunications
Ten years is too long to hijack wireline telecommunications with uncertainty, litigation and over-regulation. In...