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  Rent Control and the Supreme Court: Harmon v. Markus - MP3
Running Time: 00:43:26

Rent Control and the Supreme Court: Harmon v. Markus - PodcastIn March 2011, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals issued summary judgment in Harmon v. Markus, a challenge to New York's rent stabilization law by Mr. John Harmon, whose townhouse has been occupied for years by tenants paying rent equal to about 60% of market value. The Second Circuit ruled that "government regulation of the rental relationship does not constitute a physical taking" in light of the Supreme Court precedent, and that Mr. Harmon was therefore not entitled to just compensation. The Supreme Court has asked New York City and the tenants to file a response to the certiorari petition filed by Mr. Harmon. On this previously recorded conference call, Prof. Richard Epstein provides analysis of the case and rent control statutes as they relate to the Takings Clause and answers questions from the callers.


  • Prof. Richard Epstein, New York University School of Law
  • Moderator: Mr. Dean A. Reuter, Vice President & Director of Practice Groups, The Federalist Society

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