As COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc on Americans’ health and plans, the Federalist Society is as (virtually) active as we’ve ever been. While we greatly miss seeing all of our friends and colleagues at live events, we are grateful for the opportunities we have to meet virtually and to continue to host excellent discussions on a wide range of legal issues. If you haven’t had a chance already, we hope you will join us for one of our many virtual events and teleforums. If the timing doesn’t work out, visit to find the many articles, podcasts, and videos we have been releasing.

As usual, October is a month full of planning for our annual National Lawyers Convention. But unlike past years, we are not booking hotel rooms, buying formal wear, and printing mountains of programs. This year’s convention will be 100% virtual. While we will miss all of the conversations in the promenade of the Mayflower Hotel, we are delighted to be able to host dozens of panels and speeches at no cost to you and with no geographic barriers to attendance. We look forward to meeting again next year, but in the meantime, we hope you will join us, and invite your friends and colleagues to see what the Federalist Society is really all about! See page 10 for more details.

Our Student Chapters and Lawyers Chapters are doing a truly wonderful job of continuing to meet and host events in spite of the pandemic-related restrictions. As you’ll see in this issue, student leaders are finding creative ways to meet in person in compliance with stringent campus COVID restrictions. Lawyers in Polk County and El Paso even started up brand new lawyers chapters! Our Practice Groups have been active too, planning the breakout sessions for the NLC and many teleforums. Our other divisions and projects are producing great events, articles, and media as well. See inside for more details, and visit to see what’s available!

We hope you enjoy this issue of the Federalist Paper. Please send any comments to us at [email protected]. We hope you are staying well, and we look forward to hearing from you!