How Should "Administrative Law" Be Taught Today? - Podcast
Administrative Law & Regulation Practice Group Podcast
The growing role of the administrative agencies in American government is mirrored by a growing role of administrative law in legal education. The trend is exemplified by many law schools' introduction of "Legislation and Regulation" (or "Leg-Reg") as a first-year course.
But as the administrative stats and administrative law grow and change, how should the curriculum change?
To discuss this, the Administrative Law Section is pleased to host a teleforum with three leading administrative law scholars: Prof. Dan Farber of the University of California-Berkeley Law, Prof. Kristin Hickman of the University of Minnesota Law School, and Jim Tozzi, former regulatory official of the United States Office of Management and Budget and Director of Multinational Business Services at the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness.
The discussion will be moderated by Adam White, a Research Fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institution and an adjunct professor at George Mason University's Antonin Scalia Law School.
- Prof. Dan Farber, Sho Sato Professor of Law, Co-Director and Center for Law, Energy & Environment, California-Berkeley Law
- Prof. Kristin Hickman, Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Harlan Albert Rogers Professor in Law, University of Minnesota Law School and Associate Director, Corporate Institute
- Jim Tozzi, Former Regulatory Official of the United States Office of Management and Budget and Director of Multinational Business Services at the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness
- Moderator: Adam White, Research Fellow, The Hoover Institution