Fair Elections Now Act
Free Speech & Election Law Practice Group
Assistant Senate Majority Leader Richard Durbin and Sen. Arlen Specter, along with Reps. John Larson and Walter Jones have introduced the Fair Elections Now Act (S.752, H.R.1826) in Congress. The Fair Elections Now Act is legislation designed to reform the way Congressional elections are financed. The Fair Elections Now Act would allow qualified, legitimate candidates to receive grants and matching funds to run competitive campaigns instead of relying on contributions from lobbyists and other special interests. Who will decide which candidates qualify for funding, and how? Is the legislation a step closer to public financing and, if so, what are the implications? In this podcast, Craig Holman and Bill Maurer debate the proposed legislation. Allyson Hayward moderates.
- Dr. Craig Holman, Legislative Representative, Public Citizen
- Mr. William R. Maurer, Executive Director, Washington Chapter, Institute for Justice
- Moderator: Prof. Allison Hayward, George Mason University Law School