Ride sharing company Uber has filed a lawsuit citing the Supreme Court's recent North Carolina Board of Dental Examiners v. FTC decision to challenge a local taxi regulator on antitrust grounds. The Dental Examiners opinion limited the scope of state-action antitrust immunity, specifically for regulatory bodies made up of market participants from the regulated line of work. Read more at Forbes.
Uber's legal fortunes continue to be mixed in Europe, however, as the French Constitutional Council upheld a law banning the company's service allowing non-professional drivers in that country, "Uberpop." Read more at the Wall Street Journal.
A panel of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the District Court's dismissal of a lawsuit alleging that New York State's prohibition on "gravity knives" has been enforced by New York City in a way that renders the law unconstitutionally vague. Read more at Reuters.