On February 10-11, 2017, the Yale Federalist Society hosted a conference celebrating Justice Clarence Thomas’s twenty-five years of service on the Supreme Court. The conference featured panels exploring Justice Thomas’s jurisprudence on subjects including the administrative state, criminal law, equality under the law, and executive power.

The Yale Law Journal recently published a collection of Forum Essays from seven conference participants. These essays all offer thoughtful perspectives on Justice Thomas and his jurisprudence. The collection includes contributions from Hon. William H. Prior Jr., Solicitor General Elbert Lin, Professor Marah Stith McLeod, Professor Gregory Maggs, William S. Consovoy & Professor Nicole Stelle Garnett, and Professor Kate Stith. This is a can’t miss collection of essays for those who want to learn more about Justice Thomas and his deeply originalist jurisprudence.

Sam Adkisson is the current President of the Yale Law School Federalist Society.