Call for Papers relating to Intellectual Property and Free Enterprise

Faculty Division

The Federalist Society's Faculty Division is pleased to announce a Call for Papers relating to the topic of Intellectual Property and Free Enterprise.  Up to four submissions will be selected for inclusion in an upcoming Faculty Division colloquium on this topic.  Authors of the selected pieces will each receive a prize of approximately $2,500 (any co-authors must share a single prize).  The topic is intentionally broad in scope, though we have a particular interest in papers that offer fresh perspectives or insights on the relationship between intellectual property and free enterprise.

The Intellectual Property and Free Enterprise colloquium is intended to consider the legal treatment of intellectual property as “property” in the traditional sense and the implications of this approach for free enterprise, with sessions that examine competing justifications for protecting intellectual property (and corresponding criticisms).  Winning submissions will be incorporated into a special session, during which we hope to engage some of the latest thinking on intellectual property issues.  

The authors will be expected to attend the colloquium (Nov. 7-8, 2014) in the Washington, D.C. area) but not to present their papers in the formal sense; rather, all participants will have read the papers beforehand and will come prepared to engage in a freewheeling discussion on the issues the papers raise.  Submissions will be accepted from current law faculty or those pursuing full-time employment in the legal academy.

There is a limit of one submission per person.

Submissions must be substantially complete and formatted in accord with the Bluebook.

Submissions should be of a quality publishable in a mainstream law journal, but must not have been published as of the date of the submission deadline below.  This must be the case even if the paper has been accepted for publication in a journal or law review.

Submissions must be sent via Microsoft Word or pdf attachment to [email protected] no later than 5:00pm Eastern Time on Friday August 22, 2014.

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