Sep 8 2014 Publication Federalist Society Review Do Sue and Settle Practices Undermine Congressional Intent for Cooperative Federalism on Environmental Matters? David B. Rivkin, Adam Carl Doverspike Engage Volume 15, Issue 2 Note from the Editor: This article is about whether sue and settle practices undermine congressional...
Aug 1 1997 Publication White Papers The ABA and Criminal Justice Issues INTRODUCTION In 1996, the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies launched fifteen legal...
Do Sue and Settle Practices Undermine Congressional Intent for Cooperative Federalism on Environmental Matters?
David B. Rivkin, Adam Carl Doverspike
Engage Volume 15, Issue 2
Note from the Editor: This article is about whether sue and settle practices undermine congressional...
The ABA and Criminal Justice Issues
INTRODUCTION In 1996, the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies launched fifteen legal...