The Founders

The Founders

In order to understand the founding documents of the United States, you need to know something about the men who wrote them. What books or thinkers influenced the Founders? Why were there disagreements at the Constitutional Convention? How did people who talked about freedom allow slavery to continue? What is the relationship between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution?

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15 of 15: The Declaration & Constitution: The Legal Status of Founding Documents [No.86]

As one of the founding documents of the United States, the Declaration of Independence contains a number of statements of principle. In the centuries since, these statements of principle have been used as evidence for particular interpretations of th ... As one of the founding documents of the United States, the Declaration of Independence contains a number of statements of principle. In the centuries since, these statements of principle have been used as evidence for particular interpretations of the Constitution.

Should the Declaration of Independence play an elevated role in constitutional interpretation? Prof. Lee Strang of the University of Toledo College of Law argues that the Constitution itself precludes the Declaration from having any unique legal status.

As always, the Federalist Society takes no particular legal or public policy positions. All opinions expressed are those of the speaker.

Learn more about Lee Strang:

Differing Views:

The Federalist Society: The Relationship Between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution

Cornell Law Review: Self-Government and the Declaration of Independence

Penn State Law Review: Originalism, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution: A Unique Role in Constitutional Interpretation?

Southern California Law Review: Historic Versus Iconic Meaning: The Declaration, the Constitution, and the Interpreter’s Dilemma

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3h 30m


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  • Constitution