2040 Main Street, 1st Floor
Irvine, CA 92614
California’s Racial Justice Act, passed without notice in 2020, has the potential to unwind much of the criminal justice system in California. The act substitutes broad claims of systemic racism for individualized proof that any given defendant was the victim of criminal justice bias. It allows virtually every convict in prison or jail to today to reopen his conviction or sentencing on grounds of systemic bias. Ms. Mac Donald will discuss the rulings under the act to date and open the floor to a discussion about remedies.
The Orange County Lawyers Chapter invites you to join them for a luncheon and discussion.
Members: $30
Non Members: $35
Students: $20
1 hour MCLE available
As always, the Federalist Society takes no position on particular legal or public policy issues; all expressions of opinion are those of the speaker.