The Constitutional War Powers of the Executive and Legislative Branches

Article I Initiative

Event Video

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What kind of war power does the Constitution grant the President and Congress? What limitations apply to each branch concerning the power to declare war and the use of military force? Over time, how has the Framers’ understanding been followed and in what ways has it been ignored? Do the founding principles regarding these topics still have application to our modern era? Former Congressman Mickey Edwards and National Review Institute Senior Fellow Andrew C. McCarthy joined us for an insightful discussion of these and other topics.

This event was held on July 7, 2017, at the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, DC.


  • Hon. Mickey Edwards, Former Congressman, Vice President and Program Director, Rodel Fellowships In Public Leadership, Aspen Institute
  • Andrew C. McCarthy, Senior Fellow, National Review Institute
  • Moderator: Nate Kaczmarek, Deputy Director, Article I Initiative, The Federalist Society

Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC

As always, the Federalist Society takes no position on particular legal or public policy issues; all expressions of opinion are those of the speaker.