Former United States Attorney General Meese on Voter ID Laws
Civil Rights and Free Speech & Election Law Practice Group Teleforum
Numerous states have passed voter identification laws, and the Supreme Court has permitted them to remain in effect. Nonetheless, voter ID remains a highly controversial issue. Former United States Attorney General Edwin Meese III will discuss voter fraud and the importance of voter ID laws and answer audience questions on a live Teleforum conference call.
- Hon. Edwin Meese III, Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow Emeritus, The Heritage Foundation
Numerous states have passed voter identification laws, and the Supreme Court has permitted them to remain in effect. Nonetheless, voter ID remains a highly controversial issue. Former United States Attorney General Edwin Meese III will discuss voter fraud and the importance of voter ID laws and answer audience questions on a live Teleforum conference call.
- Hon. Edwin Meese III, Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow Emeritus, The Heritage Foundation
Call begins at 12:00 noon Eastern Time.
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