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Debate: Resolved, Campaign Finance Law is Stupid
Montana Student Chapter
Alexander Blewett III School of Law32 Campus Drive
Missoula, MT 59812
The Resurgence of Campaign Finance Regulation, Trumped?
Last March, during a Federalist Society teleforum discussing the Supreme Court’s 4-4 decision in Friedrichs v. California...
Will Campaign Finance Law Trump Delegate Autonomy?
In April, my colleagues at the Pillar of Law Institute were approached with informal questions about delegate...
New Book Review: Dark Money and Plutocrats United
Bill Maurer from the Institute for Justice brings years of experience in campaign finance law...
Project Veritas Action v. Conley: Undercover Newsgathering and the First Amendment
On March 4, Project Veritas Action Fund (PVA) filed suit in Massachusetts federal court against Suffolk County District...
De Minimis is Not Dead in Campaign Finance
Steve Klein writes for Pillar of Law: The campaign finance reform lobby continues to favor...