Morgan Williams

Morgan Williams

General Counsel, National Fair Housing Alliance

Morgan Williams is responsible for leading NFHA’s strategic and tactical legal initiatives and affairs. Mr. Williams leads NFHA’s efforts to pursue pioneering litigation under the federal Fair Housing Act, often utilizing testing-based evidence and working in partnership with NFHA’s network of local fair housing centers. He coordinates NFHA’s actions to file amicus briefs to promote sound fair housing jurisprudence. Mr. Williams also provides training and technical support to local fair housing centers across the country on investigation and enforcement strategies, as well as training to housing providers and servicers on a range of complicated and emerging topics. In addition, he assists with NFHA’s federal public policy advocacy, in coordination with legislative offices and federal agencies, and helps local advocates address state and local legislative matters.


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Deep Dive Episode 202 – HUD and the Disparate Impact Rule

Deep Dive Episode 202 – HUD and the Disparate Impact Rule

Regulatory Transparency Project's Fourth Branch Podcast

On June 25, 2021, President Biden’s newly appointed Housing Secretary Marcia Fudge proposed to rescind...