Anthony J. Oncidi

Anthony J. Oncidi

Lawyer, Proskauer Rose

Anthony J. Oncidi heads the Labor & Employment Law Group in the Los Angeles office of Proskauer Rose.  Tony represents employers and management in all aspects of labor relations and employment law. A substantial portion of Tony’s practice involves the defense of employers in large class actions, employment discrimination, harassment and wrongful termination litigation in state and federal court as well as arbitration proceedings, including FINRA matters. Tony is the author of the treatise titled Employment Discrimination Depositions (Juris Pub’g 2009), co-author of Proskauer on Privacy (PLI 2009), and, since 1990, has been a regular columnist for the official publication of the Labor and Employment Law Section of the State Bar of California and the Los Angeles Daily Journal. Tony also is a regular commentator on employment-related issues for radio, television, and print media. He is an appointed Hearing Examiner for the Los Angeles Police Commission Board of Rights and has served as an Adjunct Professor of Law and a guest lecturer at USC Law School and a guest lecturer at UCLA Law School.


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