Alexandra Wrage is the author of Bribery and Extortion: Undermining Business, Governments and Security and the host of the training DVD Toxic Transactions: Bribery, Extortion and the High Price of Bad Business produced by NBC. Ms. Wrage has written three compliance guidebooks and is a guest blogger on the Huffington Post. She speaks frequently on topics of international law, anti-corruption initiatives and the hidden costs of corruption.
Ms. Wrage currently serves on the Independent Governance Committee (IGC) of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), football’s governing body. She has previously served as Chair of the Anti-Corruption Committee of the ABA’s International Section and Chair of the International Legal Affairs Committee of the Association of Corporate Counsel. She has participated in anti-bribery working groups with the OECD and the UN Global Compact. Ms. Wrage was named one of the “Canadians Changing the World” by the Toronto Globe and Mail in 2011.
Prior to founding TRACE, Ms. Wrage was international counsel at Northrop Grumman where she was responsible for managing and improving the company’s FCPA program, including policy revisions, training, monitoring and board briefings.
Ms. Wrage, a Canadian, studied law at Kings College, Cambridge University. She is a member of the Maryland and District of Columbia bar associations.
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