In the United States, a party to a case pays their own attorney fees, but in England and most of the western world, the losing party in a case pays the attorney fees for both sides.
Who should pay attorney fees: the losing party or the attorney’s client? R. Hugh Lumpkin of Ver Ploeg & Lumpkin, P.A. compares the American rule to the English rule and discusses its impact on American law.
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Related Links & Differing Views:
Berkeley Law Scholarship Repository: “Does the English Rule Discourage Low-Probability-of-Prevailing-Plaintiffs”
Manhattan Institute: “Greater Justice, Lower Cost: How a ‘Loser Pays’ Rule Would Improve the American Legal System”
Indiana International & Comparative Law Review: “Attorney Fee-Shifting in America: Comparing, Contrasting, and Combining the ‘American Rule’ and ‘English Rule’”
Cornell Law Review: “The English Rule versus the American Rule on Attorney Fees: An Empirical Study of Public Company Contracts”