Can the South Carolina Legislature Pass a Law to “Nullify” Obamacare?
There has been an ongoing nationwide debate about nullification, including debate in South Carolina centered around a bill, H. 3101, that purports to nullify parts of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. In order to help navigate that ongoing debate, we provide related materials at the links below:
- Can the South Carolina Legislature Pass a Law to “Nullify” Obamacare? (2014) by H. Christopher Barolomucci
- Thomas E. Woods, Jr., Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century (2012):
- South Carolina House Judiciary Committee, Hearing on H. 3101, March 20, 2013 (Video):
- Michael Boldin, Health Care Nullification and Interposition, Tenth Amendment Center (Dec. 29, 2009):
- South Carolina House Bill 3101 (2013):