While professional licensing can have an important role to play in protecting consumers, the proliferation of state occupational licensing regulations over the past fifty years raises important competition policy concerns. Unnecessary licensing restrictions can hamper free market competition and workforce mobility. Innovation and entry from new business models can suffer. FTC Acting Chairman Maureen Ohlhausen has made occupational licensing reform a centerpiece of her Economic Liberty Agenda. What can and should the FTC do to promote competition among professional service providers? Please join the Acting Chairman and a distinguished panel of experts tomorrow for a discussion on “Occupational Licensing, Antitrust and Innovation."
This event is on Wednesday, August 9th at noon in Crowell & Moring LLP's D.C. office and is open to the public. Please RSVP on our website.
We will be broadcasting via teleconference, Facebook Livestream, and CSPAN2 at noon. Please join us and participate through one of these mediums.
For more information, please visit our event page and the Regulatory Transparency Project website.