From October 7-8, in association with the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, at the invitation of Judge Yurii Baulin, Chairman of the Court, Jim Kelly, Director of International Affairs for the Federalist Society, attended the International Conference "Constitutional Control and the Process of Democratic Transformation in Modern Society" in Kyiv, Ukraine, in which several members of the Federalist Society's European Judicial Network are participating.
Photo: clockwise from top left: Yuriy Shemshuchenko, Director of the Institute of State and Law at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dainius Zalimas, President of the Constitutional Court of Lithuania, Alexandru Tanase, President of the Constitutional Court of Moldova, George Papuashvili, President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia (2006-2016), Serhii Vdovichenko, Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, Stanislav Shevchuk, Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, Jim Kelly.