Annual Rosenkranz Debate Series
Since 2008, the Annual Rosenkranz Debate has been the Saturday centerpiece of the National Lawyers Convention. It features an intellectually sharp one-on-one debate between two highly prominent legal theorists. The event is sponsored by Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz and the Rosenkranz Foundation.
- 2023 - Prof. Richard Epstein and Mr. Clark Neily
RESOLVED: States Can Constitutionally Regulate the Content Moderation Policies of Facebook and Twitter - 2022 - Akhil Reed Amar and John C. Yoo
RESOLVED: The U.S. Constitution limits the role of state courts and executives in redistricting under Article I, Section 4, Clause I - 2021 - John Allison and Ashley Keller
RESOLVED: Concentrated corporate power is a greater threat to individual freedom than government power - 2019 - Philip A. Hamburger and Michael W. McConnell
RESOLVED: The Free Exercise Clause guarantees a constitutional right of religious exemption from general laws when such an exemption would not endanger public peace and good order. - 2018 - John Harrison and Neal Katyal
RESOLVED: District courts do not have the authority to enter universal injunctions - 2017 - Akhil Reed Amar and Randy Barnett
RESOLVED: Lochner v. New York: Still Crazy After All These Years - 2016 - Deborah L. Rhode and Eugene Volokh
RESOLVED: Hostile Environment Law, On and Off Campus, Often Violates the First Amendment - 2015 - Robert P. George and John O. McGinnis
RESOLVED: The Constitution is designed for a moral and religious people and it's wholly unsuited for the government of any other. - 2014 - Michael Mukasey and Nadine Strossen
RESOLVED: Indiscriminate Collection of American Phone Records Violates the Fourth Amendment - 2013 - Randy Barnett and J. Harvie Wilkinson
RESOLVED: Courts are too Deferential to the Legislature - 2012 - Hadley Arkes and Alex Kozinski
RESOLVED: Natural Law Should Inform Constitutional Law - 2011 - Paul Clement and Laurence Tribe
RESOLVED: Congress Acted Within Its Authority in Enacting the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - 2010 - Richard Epstein and William Eskridge, Jr.
A Debate on the Constitutionality of Proposition 8 - 2009 - Guido Calabresi and Frank Easterbrook
RESOLVED: The United States Constitution Requires Federal Courts to Interpret Statutes as Honest Agents of the Enacting Congress - 2008 - Michael McConnell and Richard Posner
How Judges Think