Jason Jewell

Dr. Jason Jewell

Department Chair and Professor Humanities, Faulkner University

Jason Jewell chairs the Department of Humanities at Faulkner University, where he directs online degree programs based on the Great Books at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. On campus he teaches courses in the humanities and social/behavioral science departments and the Great Books Honors Program.

He received a Ph.D. in humanities from Florida State University, an M.A. in history from Pepperdine University, and a B.A. in history and music from Harding University.

He is associate editor of the Journal of Faith and the Academy and a member of the editorial board of two other academic journals. He is a contributor to Christian Faith and Social Justice: Five Views (Bloomsbury, 2014) and The Inklings and King Arthur (2018), and he has contributed to six academic journals and five encyclopedias. His writing has also appeared in numerous magazines and popular journals..

In addition to directing honors students in the GBH program, Jacobs serves as a Faulkner Foundations teacher, a sponsor for Alpha Chi National Honor Society, and a sponsor for Images in Ink, an annual creative arts publication published by the university every spring. He also serves on the board of Cornerstone Classical Christian Academy, a private k-12 school that works with the same spiritual and academic mindset as guides him at Faulkner. 

“I am convinced,” he says, “that learning centered around Christ and a classical or Great Books methodology promotes a more virtuous human being, allowing one to know God better and love His creation better, too. It is my deep hope to instill this sort of learning in future generations. One simply cannot argue with the sort of excellence and deep Christian charity such education promotes. As such, I can think of no better expenditure of my time than working among my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and reading and discussing great books with as many and as varied students as possible.”


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