Mr. Ramsay is the General Counsel for the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners. NARUC was established in 1889 and is composed of the governmental agencies of the fifty states engaged in, inter alia, the regulation of telecommunications services. As General Counsel, Mr. Ramsay manages the NARUC Policy Advocacy Department covering all policy, regulatory, and legislative matters. He is also responsible for addressing all association-related legal issues – both general law and regulatory.
During his 27 years with the association, Mr. Ramsay has always had first-chair responsibility for all the association's telecommunications litigation-related activity. This includes representing NARUC's positions (1) before the Federal Communications Commission, other federal agencies, and in the courts, and (2) in discussions with, inter alia, the Office of the United States Trade Representative, the European Community, and various industry associations. Mr. Ramsay also represents the association’s interests in other fora serving, e.g., as a member of both the Separations and Universal Service Federal-State Joint Board staffs and the Section 706 Federal State Joint Conference.
Before joining NARUC, Mr. Ramsay acquired significant experience in public utility regulation as an associate with the Washington, D.C. law firm of Grove, Jaskiewicz, Gilliam and Colbert. Prior to private practice, Mr. Ramsay was employed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for three years as a rates attorney.
Mr. Ramsay received his B.S. in Chemistry in 1978 from Mississippi College, his J.D. in 1985 from Louisiana State University, and is licensed to practice (1) in both civilian and common law jurisdictions, {including the District of Columbia and Louisiana} and (2) before the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States and the bars of 10 of the 13 United States Courts of Appeal.
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Wireless Broadband Infrastructure Policy: Balancing National Priorities
Telecommunications & Electronic Media Practice Group Teleforum
TeleforumWireless Broadband Infrastructure Policy: Balancing National Priorities
Telecommunications & Electronic Media Practice Group Teleforum
On April 20, 2017, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) initiated a proceeding to assess the...