The son of immigrants who fled communist Eastern Europe immediately after World War II, Andrew P. Harris, M.D., has spent a lifetime serving his neighbors, country and community. Whether it was as a physician at the prestigious Johns Hopkins Hospital, as a medical officer in the Naval Reserve, as a hard-working state senator, or now as congressman, Andy has made a life by serving others. He is dedicated to making sure every constituent in the 1st Congressional District receives the highest-quality assistance and is well-represented in the halls of Congress.
Serving his neighbors. Andy is a proud father of five children (Joe, Becky, Irene, Jessica and Danny), grandfather of two (Charles, Abigail), and husband to Cookie for over 33 years. Born in working-class Brooklyn in 1957, Andy grew up one of four boys.. He found his calling studying medicine at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, where he continued to practice as an anesthesiologist for over three decades. Obstetric anesthesiology was his subspecialty, and over those years has helped thousands of women through their labor and delivery. For many years, his peers chose him to be named as one of the nation’s “Best Doctors” in his specialty. Recently, Andy still practices at Memorial Hospital in Easton, Maryland.
Serving his country. Answering a recruitment call to fill a critical need for anesthesiologists in the Naval Reserve during the Reagan Administration, Andy volunteered to serve in the military as a medical specialist. He went on to establish and command the Johns Hopkins Medical Naval ReserveUnit. In 1990, his unit was called up to active duty in order to assist with Operation Desert Shield (and later Operation Desert Storm). They took care of active duty military, veterans, and POWs at Bethesda Naval Hospital. Harris reached the rank of Commander (O-5).
Serving his community. Unhappy with the status quo in Annapolis, Harris, a political neophyte, decided to take on the establishment and make a run for the Maryland State Senate in 1998. After winning by an impressive margin, Andy continued to serve as a physician – epitomizing our Founding Fathers' belief in a part-time, citizen legislature. His innovative thinking, devotion to efficient government and dedication to his constituents earned him the “Hero of the Taxpayer” award from the Maryland Taxpayers Association in 2008.
Andy began serving as the Congressman from the beautiful 1st Congressional District of Maryland in 2011. He serves on the Committee on Appropriations and on the following subcommittees: Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies; Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies; and Legislative Branch. In his free time, he enjoys spending time on the Chesapeake Bay with his family, and repairing old cars with his sons.
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February 2014 DC Luncheon with Andrew Harris
Tony Cheng's Restaurant 619 H Street, N.W. (Gallery Place Metro)An Exchange Over The Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA)
Engage Volume 13, Issue 3 October 2012
The Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act: A Sensible and Workable Law that Helps Keep...