Alex is a Policy Counsel at Public Knowledge, where he focuses on digital platform competition issues. Prior to joining Public Knowledge, Alex worked for Senator Amy Klobuchar, Senator Richard Blumenthal, the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, and Senator Joe Donnelly. Alex received his J.D., cum laude, from Georgetown University Law Center and his B.A. from Yale College in Economics and Political Science with distinction. He was born and raised in Lexington, KY and enjoys Kentucky basketball, trivia, fantasy football, and romantic comedies.
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Deep Dive Episode 141 – Interoperability and Data Sharing: An Antitrust Remedy in Search of a Market Problem?
A Regulatory Transparency Project Teleforum
TeleforumDeep Dive Episode 141 – Interoperability and Data Sharing: An Antitrust Remedy in Search of a Market Problem?
A Regulatory Transparency Project Teleforum
Data portability has been a hot topic of late, from GDPR to CCPA to the...