1700 Epcot Resorts Blvd
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830
The Federalist Society is thrilled to host our 11th Annual Florida Chapters Conference on January 31 - February 1, 2025. Join lawyers chapters and student chapters from across Florida for our marquee statewide event.
For registration questions, please contact Abbie Kepto at [email protected].
1:00 PM | Registration Begins
2:00 PM | The Legacy of Judicial Appointments in Florida: A Conversation with Hon. Jeb Bush
Panel | Retrospectives on 25 years of Judicial Reform in Florida
Panel | Text, History, and . . . Tradition? What historical evidence constitutes ‘tradition’ and how ought originalist judges to use it?
6:00 PM | Cocktail Reception*
7:00 PM | Banquet Dinner: A Conversation Among the Circuits*
*Childcare options available here: https://fedsoc.org/events/2025-florida-conference-childcare
8:00 AM | Breakfast
Panel | The Future of Executive Power
Panel | Modern Lawfare and the American Democracy
Luncheon: An Introduction to Sheldon Gilbert
Afternoon Break
6:00 PM | Fireworks + Dessert Reception at Epcot*
*Separately ticketed event
Prices will increase by $50 per ticket after Friday, January 24th. Registration will close at 5:00 pm on Monday, January 27th.
Student Member: $300
Government Employee Member: $350
Member: $400
Non-Member: $600
All Conference tickets include a ticket to the banquet.
Guest Banquet Ticket: $200
If you are interested in childcare during the banquet dinner, register your child here: https://fedsoc.org/events/2025-florida-conference-childcare. Cost includes arts and crafts, games, and dinner and snacks. Pre-registration is required by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 17th.
Dessert + Fireworks Reception (not included in conference tickets):
$75 Adult
$50 Child - children under two years of age are free
Dietary restrictions or allergies? Please notify [email protected]
10.5 Hours of General CLE in Florida available. CJE credit is available
If you are interested in sponsoring the Federalist Society's activity in Florida, please reach out to Abbie Kepto at [email protected].
Room reservations are now closed. If you need to cancel a hotel room, please contact [email protected] instead of Disney directly.
The Federalist Society has a room block at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club Resort for conference attendees. The discounted rate is $339 per night.
Reservations can be made by calling Disney Group Reservations Phone Team at (407) 939-4686 or online at the link below.
The deadline to register and recive a refund is 5:00 p.m. on Monday, January 27. No refunds will be issued after the deadline.
Back to top2025 Florida Chapters Conference
2025 Florida Chapters Conference
2025 Florida Chapters Conference
Nearly twenty five years after the election of Governor Jeb Bush, the Florida state courts have transformed. Previously, many state judges had a more activist, progressive view of the role of a judge. Today, many state judges hold originalist and textualists views of judicial interpretation. Our panel will consider the last 25 years of judicial appointments in Florida, discussing how the roles of the executive, the JNC, and the conservative legal movement have contributed to these transformations. They will discuss how the Florida Supreme Court today differs from the Court that ruled on Bush v. Gore in 2000.
2025 Florida Chapters Conference
The Meese Revolution: The Making of a Constitutional Moment
by Prof. Steven Calabresi & Prof. Gary Lawson
2025 Florida Chapters Conference
In United States v. Rahimi, the Supreme Court applied Bruen’s test for interpreting the Second Amendment to reject a facial challenge to 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(8). The Chief Justice’s majority opinion emphasized that “the appropriate analysis involves considering whether the challenged regulation is consistent with the principles that underpin our regulatory tradition.” But of the eight Justices that made up the majority, six either wrote separately or joined a separate opinion to discuss their views of the required historical inquiry. That inquiry, sometimes referred to as the “text, history, and tradition” approach, raises important subsidiary questions: What type of historical evidence should courts consider, and from what historical period? What is the role of “tradition” as compared to “text and history,” and what should a judge do if these sources of evidence conflict? What, if any, is the role of liquidation? And how does all of this interact with precedent?
2025 Florida Chapters Conference
2025 Florida Chapters Conference
2025 Florida Chapters Conference
Join us for a screening of FedSoc Film's Laboratories of Democracy: Florida's Constitution Revision Commission.
This film explores the Sunshine State's unique method of constitutional amendment, the Constitutional Revision Commission. Does the commission empower Floridians, or is it a failed experiment in state constitutionalism?
2025 Florida Chapters Conference
2025 Florida Chapters Conference
In recent years the Supreme Court has decided critically important executive power and administrative law cases. From agency deference and adjudication, to presidential immunity, to “jaw boning”—what does it all mean for the future of the presidency and the administrative state the president oversees? How might the country’s new president approach these issues?
2025 Florida Chapters Conference
The courtroom has emerged as the new battleground for political wars. Increasingly, political candidates are looking to government agencies and judges to target adverse views and ideologies. This panel will examine the genesis of modern lawfare, explain its consequences, and then offer proposed solutions to mediate, eliminate, or ameliorate its effects.
2025 Florida Chapters Conference
2025 Florida Chapters Conference