4100 Main at North Hills St
Raleigh, NC 27609
North Carolina Lawyers Chapters
October 6, 2023
Hon. Amul Thapar
Judge, United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit
Hon. Phil Berger
North Carolina State Senator
3.75 Hours of North Carolina CLE Credit Available
South Carolina CLE Credit Pending
Registration will close at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, October 2nd.
The deadline to receive a refund is Wednesday, October 4th.
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Tribute to Boyden Gray
Tribute to Jim Sullivan
Panelists will provide an overview of the Administrative State in North Carolina and how it implicates the separation of powers and individual liberty.
Panelists will discuss navigating the legal community as conservatives drawing on experiences from firms, law schools, and daily practice. Does the current legal climate impact how conservatives conduct themselves in their practice? Should it? Does pressure from clients and young associates affect access to counsel and freedom of thought? Is the free exchange of ideas and expression threatened by this? How would the panelists solve the concerns raised?
Panelists will offer their diverse perspectives on the current state of the North Carolina Supreme Court and the issues it is facing, its potential docket, and emerging legal controversies that may affect the court's future work.