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2023 Missouri Chapters Conference

January 20, 2023

**Registration for this event is now closed. If you are still interested in attending, please email Zsanna Bodor at [email protected].**

2023 Missouri Chapters Conference


Missouri State Capitol

201 W Capitol Ave.

Jefferson City, MO 65101


Friday, January 20, 2023



The 2023 Missouri Chapters Conference Keynote Address will be given by the Hon. Andrew Bailey, Attorney General of Missouri. 

For a full list of panels and speakers, select the "1.20 Friday" tab above.

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8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Missouri State Capitol
201 W Capitol Ave.
Jefferson City, MO 65101


8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft's Office - Rm. 208
Missouri State Capitol
201 W Capitol Ave.
Jefferson City, MO 65101


9:30 a.m. - 9:40 a.m.
Welcome Remarks
House Chamber
Missouri State Capitol
201 W Capitol Ave.
Jefferson City, MO 65101




  • The Honorable Dean Plocher, Speaker of the House, Missouri House of Representatives
9:40 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Panel 1: "Do Words Matter?"
House Chamber
Missouri State Capitol
201 W Capitol Ave.
Jefferson City, MO 65101

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This panel explored the concept of whether what has come to be called “inclusive language," including some of the examples referenced in Kelly Frickleton’s recent Kansas City Counselor article, is something that lawyers have an ethical duty to use under Rule 4-8.4 of the Missouri Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 8.4 of the Kansas Rules, or perhaps under some other provision. We explored not only the “whether,” but also the “why." We also explored the question of whether the imposition of any penalty on a lawyer for failing to use this language would be constitutional.


  • Moderator: Karen Donnelly, Partner, Copilevitz Lam & Raney
  • Ted Frank, Director of Litigation and Senior Attorney, Hamilton Lincoln Law Institute
  • Kelly Frickleton, Associate, Bartimus Frickleton Robertson Rader P.C.
  • Edward D. Greim, Partner, Graves Garrett LLC



10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Panel 2: The Role of a Judge - A Conversation with Federal and State Appellate Judges and Federal District Court Judges
House Chamber
Missouri State Capitol
201 W Capitol Ave.
Jefferson City, MO 65101


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Our distinguished panel of judges discussed the unique roles of both appellate judges and trial court judges. Topics that were explored include judicial philosophy, the use of originalism in both state and federal courts, the differences in the roles of a trial court judge and an appellate court judge, and the importance of state constitutions in protecting individual liberty. Panelists also discussed their path to the bench.


  • Moderator: Hon. Duane Benton, Judge, United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit
  • Hon. Stephen N. Limbaugh, Jr., Senior Judge, United States District Court, Eastern District of Missouri
  • Hon. Matthew T. Schelp, Judge, United States District Court, Eastern District of Missouri
  • Hon. Cristian M. Stevens, Judge, Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District of Missouri
  • Hon. John Torbitzky, Judge, Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District of Missouri


12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft's Office - Rm. 208
Missouri State Capitol
201 W Capitol Ave.
Jefferson City, MO 65101


1:00 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.
Panel 3: Post-Dobbs Abortion Legislation in Missouri
House Chamber
Missouri State Capitol
201 W Capitol Ave.
Jefferson City, MO 65101

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The Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs returned the abortion question–whether and how to regulate abortion services–to the States.  Many states, including Missouri, now have laws on the books that restrict or prohibit abortion.  Dobbs doesn’t end the legal wrangling over abortion—it begins a new chapter that will unfold as litigation arises challenging these state laws.  What constitutional challenges could Missouri see to its legislation in coming months and years?


  • Moderator: Barbara A. Smith, Partner and Co-Chair, Appellate and Supreme Court Group, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner
  • J. Andrew Hirth, Founder, TGH Litigation LLC
  • Jesus A. Osete, Attorney, Appellate and Supreme Court Group, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP




1:50 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Update from Federalist Society National Office
House Chamber
Missouri State Capitol
201 W Capitol Ave.
Jefferson City, MO 65101


2:05 p.m. - 2:55 p.m.
Keynote Address: "Why We Are Fighting to Protect Free Speech in Missouri v. Biden"
House Chamber
Missouri State Capitol
201 W Capitol Ave.
Jefferson City, MO 65101

Event Video

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  • The Honorable Andrew Bailey, Attorney General, State of Missouri

Attorney General Bailey will offer remarks on Missouri v. Biden and the First Amendment. 


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